Campus: | Box Hill |
Mode: | Face to Face |
Delivery Notes: | Tuesday Evening 6.00pm - 9.00pm WEEK ONE: INTRODUCTION • General introduction to the course and other formalities needed; Bible Canon and introduction to the NT books READING: Encouraged to begin reading Mark's Gospel; Introductory chapter of Pheme Perkins, “Why Study the Bible?” In Reading the New Testament, An Introduction, 3rd ed., New York: Paulist, 2012. 1-9. WEEK TWO: Mark 1; The development of the Gospels; Gospel of Mark: overview;The Reign of God: a basic understanding in the Synoptic Gospels READINGS: Perkins, Chapter 12: “Mark: Jesus, Suffering Servant,” 189-198; Optional: Minor, Mitzi L. “Mark as Story.” TBT 47, no.1 (2009): 5-10. ARK• Read the entire Gospel of Mark. WEEK THREE: Mark 2. Discussion on Sim article; Synoptic parallels of Jesus’ baptism; Parables: Overview in the NT; Controversies / Religious Authorities / Pronouncement Stories; Discipleship in Mark. READING: Sweetland, Dennis. “Parables in Mark.” TBT 49, no. 6 (2011): 353-358. Found on ARK; Sim, David C. “The World and Literature of the New Testament.” In Reading the Bible: An Introduction for Students, edited by Maurice Ryan, 107- 115. Tuggerah, NSW: Social Science Press, 2003. (Optional): Eliott, C. Maloney. “’He is Going Before You to Galilee’: Discipleship in Mark.” TBT 47, no.1 (2009):25-29. WEEK FOUR:Matthew 1; Gospel of Matthew: an overview; Ways in which Matthew revised Mark; infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke: parallels; Mighty Deeds/Exorcisms; Call of disciples in Matthew; Miscellaneous: Exegetical study of Mark 1:14–15; Matt 4:18–22 READING: Perkins Ch. 13 (p.199-211) on Matthew’s Gospel;Crotty, Robert. “The Holy Night: Reflections on the Infancy Narrative.” In Reading the Bible: An Introduction for Students. Pp 159-174; Matt 1-10 (compare infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke). WEEK FIVE: MATTHEW 2: General similarities and differences in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke; Five great blocks of teaching in Matthew; Beatitudes in Matthew and Beatitudes and Woes in Luke; The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus in Mark, Matthew and Luke; Miscellaneous: Comparative work with selected synoptic texts. READING: Rhoads, David. “Losing Life for Others in the Face of Death: Mark’s Standard of Judgement.” In Reading Mark, Engaging the Gospel, 44-62. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2004; Matt 5:1-12//Luke 6:17-26; Matt 26:1—28:15//Mark 14:1—16:8//Luke 22:1—24:52. (Compare and contrast the texts). WEEK SIX: LUKE-ACTS 1. Luke-Acts: an overview; Universalism in Luke; Hospitality in Luke; Some particular Lukan parables; Miscellaneous: Bibliography, Significant dates• READING: Chapter 14 on the Gospel of Luke in Pheme Perkins’ book: pages 212-223; McBride, Denis. “The Virtue of Disloyalty.” Parables of Jesus (1999). 145-167. WEEK SEVEN. LUKE-ACTS 2; Ministry in Galilee verses ministry in Jerusalem; Journey theme in Luke; Mission as a major theme of Luke-Acts; Miscellaneous: carry-over topics from the past and other necessary discussion items. READING: Perkins on Acts, pages 236-247; Green, Joel B. “To Proclaim good news to the poor”: Mission and Salvation.” The Theology of Luke. Cambridge: CUP, 1994. P 76-101; Luke 4:14-9:50; Luke 9:51—19:44; Acts 10:1—11:18; 15:1-35. WEEK EIGHT. JOHN 1: Johannine literature: an overview; Key differences from the Synoptic Gospels; Important vocabulary and literary techniques; Reading John’s Gospel; Book of signs. READING: Perkins, Chapter 15 on Gospel of John, pages 224-234; Mary Coloe. A Friendly Guide to the Gospel of John; R.E. Brown. An Introduction to the New Testament. Chapter 11 (116-132); Dorothy Lee, “Friendship, Love and Abiding in the Gospel of John” (pp. 57-74). WEEK NINE. JOHN 2: Chapters 13—17: the final meals and teachings; Chapters 18—20: Passion, Death and Resurrection appearances; Chapter 21: Epilogue Appearance by the Sea; Miscellaneous: Importance of wind and water in scripture, esp. the Sea. READING: Francis Moloney. “God so Loved the World: the Jesus of John’s gospel.” ACR 178 (1998):195-205; Mary A. Beavis. “Reconsidering Mary of Bethany.” CBQ 74 (2012):281-297; Mary Coloe. “The Grden as a New Creation in John.” Bible Today, 53 no. 3 (2015):159-164. WEEK TEN. PAUL 1: Conversion stories; Three conversion stories in Acts: 9:1-31; 22:1-21; 26:2-23; His life and ministry. READING: “Paul’s life and ministry,” Perkins Chs 8 and 9 on Paul pp. 110--150; Read Acts 9:1-31; 22:1-21; 26:2-23 (comparatively); Handouts on ARK concerning Dunn’s Synthesis of Paul with texts embedded. WEEK ELEVEN. PAUL 2: Paul’s writings; Galatians in particular; Glossary of Pauline terms and concepts; Miscellaneous: Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles. READING: Letter to the Galatians accompanied by a Bible Commentary; Brendan Byrne. “Glossary of Pauline terms and Concepts.” Galatians and Romans. (St Paul, 2010). Pp 174-188; “An Appreciation of Paul.” Raymond Brown’s ch 17 on Paul pp. 159-162. WEEK TWELVE. REVELATION: Some thoughts on, and insights into the book of Revelation; Attending to other concerns; Students invited to present some concluding reflection/thoughts. READING: “Mark’s Eschatological Perspective” by E. Maloney; Perkins, Pages 287-301 (on Revelations); Francis J. Mololey. “The Book of Revelation: Hope on dark Times” Religions 239, 10 (2019): 1-15. |
Contact hours | 36 |
Total time commitment | 150 |
Start date | 21 Feb, 2022 |
Census date: | 15 Mar, 2022 |
End date: | 10 Jun, 2022 |
Academic staff: | Rev Dr Francis Otobo |
Textbook(s): | No textbook is required for this unit. |
Unit code: BN1000Y
Unit status: Approved (Major revision)
Points: 18.0
Unit level: Undergraduate Level 1
Unit discipline: New Testament
Delivery Mode: Blended
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