Campus: Box Hill
Mode: Face to Face
Delivery Notes:

Wednesday Evening 6.00pm to 9.00pm

Week 1: Situating the Matthean community, Matthew's use of Sources, Authorship, Structure, Use of Scripture

Week 2: Infancy Narrative 1:1-2:23

  • Focus text: Matt 1:19-25 The Annunciation

Week 3: From the ministry of John the Baptist to the beginning of Jesus' ministry 3:1- 4:25

  • Focus text: Matt 4:1-11 The Temptation

Week 4: Ist Major Discourse: Sermon on the Mount 5:1-7:29

  • Focus Text: Matt 5:1-12 The Beatitudes

Week 5: Sermon on the Mount (cont)

  • Focus Text: Matt 6:25-34 On Anxiety

Week 6: Cycle of Miracle Stories 8:1-9:38

2nd Major Discourse: The Commission of the disciples 10:1-42

  • Focus Text: Matt 8:28-34 Gadarene Demoniacs

Week 7: Narrative section 11:2-12:50: Jesus is misunderstood and opposed.

3rd Major Discourse: Parables 13:1-52

  • Focus Text: Matt 11:25-30 Wisdom's invitation

Week 8: Narrative section 14:1-17:27 As opposition hardens Jesus prepares the disciples for his passion and death.

  • Focus Text: Matt Matt 16:13-20 Who do you say that I am?

Week 9: 4th Major discourse: Church order 18:1-35

*Narrative section 19:1-20:34 On the way to Jerusalem

  • Focus text: Matt 19:23-30 On riches and the rewards of discipleship.

Week 10: Jesus' Jerusalem ministry 21:1- 23:39

  • Focus Text: Matt 23:23-33 Woes against the Scribes and Pharisees.

Week 11: 5th Major Discourse: Eschatological discourse 24:1-25:46

  • Focus Text: Matt 25:1-13 Wise and Foolish Bridal Attendants.

Week 12: Passion Narrative 26:1-27:66

*The Resurrection and commissioning of the disciples 28:1-20

  • Focus Text: Matt 27:3-10 The Death of Judas
Contact hours 36
Total time commitment 150
Start date 21 Feb, 2022
Census date: 15 Mar, 2022
End date: 10 Jun, 2022
Academic staff: Rev Dr Chris Monaghan
Textbook(s): No textbook is required for this unit.

Unit code: BN3012Y

Unit status: Archived (Major revision)

Points: 18.0

Unit level: Undergraduate Level 3

Unit discipline: New Testament

Delivery Mode: Face to Face

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