This unit is designed to enable students with a background in biblical Hebrew to advance their Hebrew skills through the guided reading of selected Hebrew texts. Passages are chosen from both prose and poetic texts. Attention is given to a morphological and syntactical explanation of the texts as well as textual criticism. Students will revise their knowledge of Hebrew grammar and learn advanced topics of phonetics, morphology, and syntax. They will also develop familiarity with modern critical editions of the Hebrew Bible. (Cross-listed with BA9502C.)
Unit code: AL9502C
Unit status: Approved (Major revision)
Points: 24.0
Unit level: Postgraduate Elective
Unit discipline: Languages
Proposing College: Catholic Theological College
Show when this unit is running1. | give an English equivalent of selected prose and poetic passages from the Hebrew Bible with and without the aid of lexicons; |
2. | analyse and categorise accurately frequently used Hebrew word forms, both verbal and nominal; |
3. | exhibit mastery of the vocabulary associated with texts studied in class; |
4. | compare and evaluate main features of modern critical editions of the Hebrew text; |
5. | develop a working knowledge of the methodology of text criticism of the Hebrew text; |
6. | research a specific topic in the morphological or syntactical areas of Hebrew. |
AL8101C and AL9102C or equivalent
Classes consist of reading and analysing texts, discussing philological problems, revising vocabulary and grammar, as well as interactive lectures, discussions, and seminars (in each case, presented in modes appropriate for face-to-face or online learning contexts).
Type | Description | Word count | Weight (%) |
Short Answer Tests | 10 x 15-minute written tests (equivalent to 2,500 words) |
2500 | 40.0 |
Oral Presentation | 15-minute oral presentation |
1000 | 10.0 |
Investigation | 2,500-word investigation |
2500 | 25.0 |
Written Examination | 1-hour written examination |
1000 | 25.0 |
Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 13 Jun, 2023
Unit record last updated: 2023-06-13 15:41:48 +1000