
This unit provides students with the opportunity to investigate the nature of Lutheran education today and consider how this is a product of Lutheran Church of Australia doctrine, history and core culture, and the current Australian educational context. Students will consider what it means for their education and ministry practice that Lutheran schools and early childhood services claim to be 'Christ-centred'. During the second part of the unit, students will revisit the fundamentals of Lutheran theology and begin the career-long process of engaging in the dialogue between education and theology within a Lutheran education context.

Unit code: DE8007L

Unit status: Approved (New unit)

Points: 18.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Education Studies

Proposing College: Australian Lutheran College

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Learning outcomes


Compare and contrast historical and contemporary aims and purposes of Lutheran schooling in Australia,


Discuss key theological concepts which inform the principles of Lutheran Education


Elucidate their professional philosophy and practice with reference to 'Christ-centred' education


Apply theological lens(es) to educational issue(s)

Unit sequence

Pre-requisite: CT8002L The Christian Faith Today or Equivalent


This unit is underpinned by teaching practices and strategies (e.g. online learning materials, quizzes, synchronous discussion) which encourage student engagement and participation in a variety of learning tasks and opportunities which foster deep learning.. The assessment tasks are designed using assessment for learning principles.

Indicative Bibliography

  • Bartsch, Malcolm. A God who speaks and acts: theology for teachers in Lutheran schools. Adelaide, SA: Openbook Howden, 2013.
  • ———. Why a Lutheran school? Education and theology in dialogue. North Adelaide, SA: Board for Lutheran Schools, 2001.
  • Braaten, Carl E. Principles of Lutheran theology. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2007.
  • Christenson, Tom.. Who needs a Lutheran college? Values vision vocation. Minneapolis, MN: Lutheran University Press, 2011.
  • Council of Australian Governments-Education Council. Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration. Victoria: Education Council Secretariat, 2019.
  • Forde, Gerhard. On being a theologian of the Cross: reflections on Luther's Heidelberg disputation, 1518. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 1997.
  • Janetzki, Elvin W. The Church teaches: a Lutheran view of Christian education. Adelaide, SA: Lutheran Publishing House, 1985.
  • Kilcrease, Jack D. Self-donation of God: a contemporary Lutheran approach to Christ and his benefits. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2013.
  • Kolb, Robert. The Christian faith: a Lutheran exposition. St Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1993.
  • Leske, Everard. For faith and freedom: the story of Lutherans and Lutheranism in Australia 1938-1996. Bowden, SA: Friends of Lutheran Archives, 2009.
  • Lutheran Education Australia. A vision for learners and learning in Lutheran schools. Adelaide, SA: LEA. 2005. (revised version due to be published December 2023)


Type Description Word count Weight (%)

Comparative analysis of past and presents aims and purposes of Lutheran schools and early childhood services

1000 20.0

What does it mean to be a "Christ-centred' school or early childhood service?

1500 30.0
Short Answer Responses

Synthesis of key theological concepts in preparation for application

500 10.0

A dialogue between education and theology

2000 40.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 14 Sep, 2023

Unit record last updated: 2023-09-14 13:26:30 +1000