
This unit integrates and broadens the theory and practice of the preceding units, with particular attention to the issues of culture in its many meanings, diversity in its many forms, power in the supervisory relationship, the impact of power in the issues being considered within the supervision sessions, and other power dynamics (e.g., institutional) in order to enable effective professional supervision of both groups and individuals. Regular journaling will support theological reflection. Students supervise several individuals across a planned program of supervision. This unit includes 10 logged hours as supervisor, and 4 hours individual supervision on supervision of the student by a supervisor trainer.

Unit code: DP8013M

Unit status: Archived (New unit)

Points: 24.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Pastoral Theology and Ministry Studies

Delivery Mode: Online

Proposing College: University of Divinity

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Learning outcomes


Apply understanding of culture and inclusion in supervisory practice.


Reflect critically on power dynamics in professional supervision.


Evaluate with reference to contemporary literature, and denominational context where relevant, a range of supervision case studies and strategies to address the issues raised.


Apply understanding of the ethical, practical and legal requirements of practising as a professional supervisor.


Apply knowledge and understanding of supervisory processes and practice in order to professionally supervise groups and individuals, including supervising online.

Unit sequence

Third unit in a sequence of three in the Graduate Certificate of Professional Supervision: DP8011M Foundations of Professional Supervision, DP8012M People, Ethics, and Practice in Professional Supervision, DP8013M Inclusion, Power and Culture in Professional Supervision. Not available for individual unit enrolment, for audit, or as part of other courses.


Theoretical input, theological and critical reflection, analysis of case studies, modelling of skills, small group work enabling supervision and feedback, supervision practice, guest lecturer presentations.

Indicative Bibliography


Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Case Study - Case Study 1

Written study and evaluation of a case with particular regard to issues of inclusion, power or culture, following an in-class oral summary

1500 20.0
Reflection - Reflection on themes of Analytical Essay

Drawing on reflective practice develop the themes of your analytical essay.

1000 10.0
Case Study - Case Study 2

Written study and evaluation of different models and techniques of supervision in one main case where power or culture or inclusion are factors, following an in-class oral summary.

1500 25.0
Essay - Analytical Essay

Using theoretical knowledge, and evaluation of your own practice including reflective practice, and demonstrated by examples of supervisory techniques, practices and outcomes, analyse your understanding and knowledge of professional supervision.

3000 45.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Maggie Kappelhoff on 13 Oct, 2020

Unit record last updated: 2021-09-27 16:17:32 +1000