
This unit builds on those of the Graduate Certificate to extend and integrate supervisory knowledge and practice. Skills and strategies are developed for use in differing and complex contexts. Advanced theoretical and practical sessions, case studies, ‘fishbowl’ videos, scenarios, and practice in small groups of both individual and group supervision, will support the exploration of more challenging supervisory situations. A range of advanced techniques will become familiar including further theoretical input and practice in the psychodynamics of transference, counter-transference and resistance. Regular journaling will support theological reflection. This unit includes 3 hours individual supervision on supervision of the student by a supervisor trainer.

Unit code: DP9014M

Unit status: Archived (New unit)

Points: 24.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Elective

Unit discipline: Pastoral Theology and Ministry Studies

Delivery Mode: Online

Proposing College: University of Divinity

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Learning outcomes


Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of supervisory processes and practice.


Reflect theologically and critically on complex situations in supervision.


Demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of psychodynamics in effective supervision.


Apply advanced supervisory skills and techniques in individual supervision.


Demonstrate capacity to evaluate and reflect upon own work as supervisor.

Unit sequence

First unit of the sequence of three in the Graduate Diploma of Professional Supervision: DP9014M Advanced Professional Supervision, DP9015M The Work of the Professional Supervisor, DP9016M Special Focus in Professional Supervision. Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite. Not available for individual unit enrolment, for audit, or as part of other courses.


Theoretical input, theological and critical reflection, analysis of case studies, modelling of skills, small group work enabling supervision and feedback, supervision practice, guest lecturer presentations.

Indicative Bibliography


Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Reflection - Reflection

Reflection on the processes of supervising a challenging or complex matter.

1500 20.0
Case Study - Case Study 1

Written study and evaluation of a complex case, following an in-class oral summary.

1500 20.0
Case Study - Case Study 2

Written study and evaluation of the dynamics and other supervisory issues and techniques of a challenging case, following an in-class oral summary.

1500 20.0
Essay - Integrative Essay

Integrate and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of advanced issues and techniques in supervision drawing on evaluation of your own, observed, and studied supervisory experiences within this unit.

3000 40.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Maggie Kappelhoff on 13 Oct, 2020

Unit record last updated: 2021-09-29 08:12:39 +1000