
Since the emergence of artistic representations in the 1970s--in part propelled by the United Nations' Decade of Solidarity with Women--the symbol of the Christa has been incorporated into some theologians' work in doctrine and devotion. Initially associated with lesbian feminist theological voices (notably, Heyward), latterly it has found strong resonance in the flourishing area of queer theology (hence, Christx), if not yet widely represented in the theological mainstream (manstream/malestream). This unit explores the symbol of Christa/x in their emerging artistic, poetic, and spiritual expressions, juxtaposed to their trajectories in contemporary theology more narrowly understood, as well as their potential significance for queer and transpersons, amongst others, in Christian community..

Unit code: DS2005P

Unit status: Approved (New unit)

Points: 18.0

Unit level: Undergraduate Level 2

Unit discipline: Spirituality

Proposing College: Pilgrim Theological College

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Learning outcomes


Outline the theological contributions of numerous apt feminist, womanist and intersectional theologians, e.g. Carter Heyward, Nicola Slee


Describe feminist, womanist, and intersectional theological engagement with the Christa symbol


Analyse theological construction by a relevant range of feminist, womanist and intersectional theologians to feminist work in a range of art and literature, e.g. sculpture, poetry--spirituality, broadly conceived


Engage the Christa/x symbol with the self-defined identity and experience of queer and transpersons, particularly in contested contexts of church


Critique inherited doctrine and devotion via feminist, womanist and intersectional theological work on Christa/x

Unit sequence

No prerequisite


The unit will use lectures, guided reading, and peer presentation.

Indicative Bibliography

  • Cocksworth, Ashley, et al, eds. From the Shores of Silence: Explorations in Feminist Practical Theology. London: SCM, 2023.
  • Heyward, Carter. Speaking of Christ: A Lesbian Feminist Voice. Cleveland: Pilgrim, 1989.
  • Goss, Robert. Queering Christ: Beyond Jesus Acted Up. Cleveland: Pilgrim, 2004.
  • Isherwood, Lisa. Introducing Feminist Christologies. Sheffield: SAP, 2001.
  • Isherwood, Lisa. Liberating Christ. Cleveland: Pilgrim, 2001.
  • Jagger, Sharon. Menstruating at the Altar. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023.
  • Kwok, Pui lan. Postcolonial Feminist Theology. London: SCM, 2005.
  • McRandal, Janice & Stephen Burns, eds. Speaking of Christ/a/x. London: SCM, 2023.
  • Slee, Nicola. Fragments for Fractured Times: What Feminist Practical Theology Brings to the Table. London: SCM, 2020.
  • Slee, Nicola. Seeking the Risen Christa. London: SPCK, 2011.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Essay - Essay on art

This essay relates to art of the Christa/x, e.g. Garibay, Mackenzie, Sandys, &c

1500 35.0
Essay - Essay on queer and/or trans experience

This essay requires engagement with the experience of queer and transpersons, particularly those whose theological work is represented in the unit. It may involve autobiography, but will involve empathic representation of human experience (using their autobiographical material) of spiritual significance to queer and trans Christians and their allies.

3000 65.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 7 Sep, 2022

Unit record last updated: 2022-09-07 14:20:13 +1000