Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
BA9012S - Reading the Bible for transformation Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 STC
BA9436S - Preaching Genesis Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 STC
BN9099S - Luke: Discipleship, Danger, Discernment Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 STC
BS9002S - Bible, Trauma and Growth Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 STC
CH9100Z - The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 STC
CP9170Z - Clinical Pastoral Education (Special Focus) Postgraduate Elective CP 48.0 STC
CP9273Z - Clinical Pastoral Education Level 2 Postgraduate Elective CP 48.0 STC
CT9018S - Parables and their interpretations: influences on Christian theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9026S - Dietrich Bonhoeffer: On Ego, Power and Freedom in Ministry and Mission Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9032S - The Revelation to John in Christian theology and testimony Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9098S - Christian Wisdom for Human Flourishing Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9099S - Christian Identity: Integrative exploration by reference to John's Prologue Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9100Z - The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9101S - Shaking the foundations: 20th century theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
CT9569S - Theology of Joy Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 STC
DA9095S - Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian Leadership Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 STC
DA9103S - Forming Communities of Faith Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 STC
DA9201S - Leading Change in Christian Organisations Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 STC
DA9393S - Christian Leadership Development Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 STC
DM9025S - Lessons in Evangelism and Discipleship from John Wesley Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 STC
DM9709S - Themes and Trends in Global Theology and World Christianity Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 STC
DM9719S - Missional Ecclesiology Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 STC
DM9733S - Culture, Context, and Community Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 STC
DP9004S - Pastoral and Spiritual Care in Loss Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9006S - Pastoral and Spiritual Care in Situations of Abuse and Trauma Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9011S - The Inner Life of a Disciple of Christ Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9024S - The Pastoral Practice of Preaching Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9025S - Pastoral Responses to Mental Health Issues Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9030S - The Art of Reconciliation Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9030Z - The Nurture and Spiritual Guidance of Children in Global Perspective Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9035S - Research Literacy for Pastoral and Spiritual Carers Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9095S - Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian Leadership Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9103S - Forming Communities of Faith Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9164S - Supervised Theological Field Education (Part A) Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9170S - Clinical Pastoral Education (Specialist) Postgraduate Elective DP 48.0 STC
DP9201S - Leading Change in Christian Organisations Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9264S - Supervised Theological Field Education (Part B) Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9273S - Clinical Pastoral Education Level 2 Postgraduate Elective DP 48.0 STC
DP9393S - Christian Leadership Development Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9723S - Worship Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DP9747S - Professional Listening and Spiritual Care Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 STC
DS9011S - The Inner Life of a Disciple of Christ Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 STC
DS9717S - Christian Spiritual Formation Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 STC
DZ9076S - Supervised Counselling Practice Integration (Practicum) Postgraduate Elective DZ 24.0 STC
DZ9077S - Counselling Theories, Processes and Strategies Postgraduate Elective DZ 24.0 STC
DZ9078S - Advanced Counselling Theories, Processes and Strategies Postgraduate Elective DZ 24.0 STC
DZ9079S - Narrative Theory, practices and reclaiming lives from trauma Postgraduate Elective DZ 24.0 STC
DZ9778S - Human Development and Helping Postgraduate Elective DZ 24.0 STC
XT9010S - Doing Theology: Integrative capstone Postgraduate Capstone XT 24.0 STC
XT9710S - Doing Theology: Integrative capstone Postgraduate Capstone XT 24.0 STC