Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
DA1001L - Reflective Practice for Vocation Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 ALC
DA1001W - Living the Faith Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WHT
DA1001Z - Forming Communities: Introduction to Church and Ministry Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 SFC
DA1002Z - Being Christian: Foundation Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 SFC
DA1010Z - Anglican Identity and Leadership Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WTC
DA1011W - Witness, Service, and Discipleship: Mission in Many Places and Many Voices Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WHT
DA1012Z - Superdiversity and Secularism: Religious and CALD Literacy Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WTC
DA1044L - Chaplaincy: Spiritual Care in Public Places Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 ALC
DA1100T - Ministerial Formation in the Anglican Tradition Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 TRI
DA1109T - Ministerial Formation in the Anglican Tradition Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 TRI
DA1110A - Ministry to Teens and Youth Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 SAC
DA1321Z - Being Anglican Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WTC
DA1701W - Living the Faith Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WHT
DA1741Z - Yarta Wandatha: The land is speaking, the people are speaking Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 UCLT
DA2001Z - Growing Faith: Forming Christians in Multiple Contexts Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 SFC
DA2002Z - Bearing Witness: Second Year Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 SFC
DA2011P - Church: God's Polycentric Experimental Community Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 PIL
DA2011W - Witness, Service, and Discipleship: Mission in Many Places and Many Voices Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 WHT
DA2013Z - God in Contemporary Culture: Theology and The Arts Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 SFC
DA2095S - Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian Leadership Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 STC
DA2744Z - Emerging Leaders: Influencing Beyond Undergraduate Level 2 DA 18.0 UCLT
DA3013Z - God in Contemporary Culture: Theology and The Arts Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 SFC
DA3039W - Creation Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 WHT
DA3095S - Theological and Practical Perspectives on Christian Leadership Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 STC
DA3300T - Mission, Liturgy and Sacraments Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 TRI
DA3418M - Supervised Reading Unit: Mission and Ministry Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 UD
DA3436M - Supervised Reading Unit: Mission and Ministry Undergraduate Level 3 DA 36.0 UD
DA8001L - Introduction to Christian Care Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 ALC
DA8001W - Living the Faith Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WHT
DA8001Z - Forming Communities: Introduction to Church and Ministry Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 SFC
DA8002W - Indigenous Symposium Seminar Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WHT
DA8002Z - Being Christian: Foundation Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 SFC
DA8010Z - Anglican Identity and Leadership Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WTC
DA8011P - Church: God's Polycentric Experimental Community Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 PIL
DA8011W - Witness, Service, and Discipleship: Mission in Many Places and Many Voices Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 WHT
DA8012Z - Superdiversity and Secularism: Religious and CALD Literacy Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WTC
DA8040L - Big Questions: School Worship Postgraduate Foundational DA 12.0 ALC
DA8100T - Ministerial Formation in the Anglican Tradition Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 TRI
DA8109T - Ministerial Formation in the Anglican Tradition Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 TRI
DA8110A - Ministry to Teens and Youth Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 SAC
DA8321Z - Being Anglican Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WTC
DA8701W - Living the Faith Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WHT
DA8741Z - Yarta Wandatha: The land is speaking, the people are speaking Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 UCLT
DA9001L - Leadership for a Christian Context Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 ALC
DA9001Z - Growing Faith: Forming Christians in Multiple Contexts Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DA9002W - Indigenous Practical Theology Symposium (Advanced) Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 WHT
DA9002Z - Bearing Witness: Second Year Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DA9013Z - God in Contemporary Culture: Theology and The Arts Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DA9039W - Creation Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 WHT
DA9044L - Chaplaincy: Spiritual Care in Public Places Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 ALC