Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AL8001Y - Biblical Hebrew A Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8002Y - Biblical Hebrew B Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8011Y - New Testament Greek A Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8012Y - New Testament Greek B Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8031Y - Theological German A Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8032Y - Theological German B Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AP8000Y - Philosophy for Beginners: Wisdom for Life Postgraduate Foundational AP 24.0 YTU
BA8000Y - Entering the World of the Old Testament: Survey and Method Postgraduate Foundational BA 24.0 YTU
BN8000Y - Entering the World of the New Testament Postgraduate Foundational BN 24.0 YTU
BS8601Y - Introduction to Scripture for Religious Educators Postgraduate Foundational BS 16.0 YTU
BS8610Z - Introduction to the Bible for Teachers Postgraduate Foundational BS 18.0 YTU
BS8661Y - Introduction to Scripture for Religious Educators Postgraduate Foundational BS 18.0 YTU
CH8003Y - 'I am with you always': Introducing the History of the Church Postgraduate Foundational CH 24.0 YTU
CT8003Y - Beginning with Jesus Postgraduate Foundational CT 24.0 YTU
CT8602Y - Jesus Christ Today: Church, Mission and Sacraments Postgraduate Foundational CT 16.0 YTU
CT8620Z - Introduction to Theology for Teachers Postgraduate Foundational CT 18.0 YTU
CT8662Y - Jesus Christ Today: Mission, Church, and Sacraments Postgraduate Foundational CT 18.0 YTU
DD8701Y - Religious Experience and the Christian Spiritual Tradition Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DD8702Y - Discernment and the Christian Spiritual Tradition Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DD8703Y - Personal Awareness and Human Development Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DD8704Y - Personal Experience of God and Personal Ethics in Spiritual Direction Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DD8705Y - Spiritual Direction Practicum I Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DD8706Y - Spiritual Direction Practicum II Postgraduate Foundational DD 24.0 YTU
DL8430Y - Doing and Living the Church's Liturgy Postgraduate Foundational DL 24.0 YTU
DM8330Y - Introduction to the Theology of Mission Postgraduate Foundational DM 24.0 YTU
DP8001Y - Foundations for Pastoral Practice Postgraduate Foundational DP 24.0 YTU
DP8002Z - Leadership Formation and Praxis Postgraduate Foundational DP 24.0 YTU
DR8603Y - Foundations of Religious Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 16.0 YTU
DR8605Y - Integrative Exercise Postgraduate Foundational DR 8.0 YTU
DR8640Z - Introduction to Religious Education for Teachers Postgraduate Foundational DR 18.0 YTU
DR8663Y - Foundations of Religious Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 18.0 YTU
DS8000Y - Foundations for Christian spirituality Postgraduate Foundational DS 24.0 YTU
DT8000Y - Introduction to Moral Theology: The Moral Life as a Call to Discipleship. Postgraduate Foundational DT 24.0 YTU
DT8604Y - Making our Moral Choices in Life: A Value Added Approach Postgraduate Foundational DT 16.0 YTU
DT8630Z - Introduction to Moral Theology for Teachers Postgraduate Foundational DT 18.0 YTU
DT8664Y - Making Our Moral Choices in Life: A Value Added Approach Postgraduate Foundational DT 18.0 YTU