Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AH9445P - Co-operative Cafe Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 PIL
AH9510A - Study Tour of Coptic Egypt: Crossroads of Civilisations Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 SAC
BA9040P - Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BA9520T - Reading Trauma in the Book of Jeremiah Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 TRI
BS9010P - Reading and Interpreting the Bible in Contemporary Times Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9100P - What are Biblical Values? Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
CH9217Y - Women Doctors of the Church Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 YTU
CH9445P - Co-operative Cafe Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9999T - 'Into That Night': Study Tour of the Holocaust Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 TRI
CT9001P - Queer Theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9035W - Artists, Scientists and Theologians in Conversation Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9333T - Faith, Work, and Economics Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 TRI
DA8011W - Witness, Service, and Discipleship: Mission in Many Places and Many Voices Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 WHT
DC9000T - Anglican Church Law and Governance Postgraduate Elective DC 24.0 TRI
DP9028W - Discipling Young People in Migrant Contexts Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 WHT
DP9035W - Artists, Scientists and Theologians in Conversation Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 WHT
DP9222P - Sounding the Gospel: The Theology and Practice of Preaching Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 PIL
DS9217Y - Women Doctors of the Church Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 YTU
XX9991P - Capstone Integration Examination Postgraduate Capstone XX 24.0 PIL