Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
BA9001Z - Becoming the People of God: The Pentateuch in Context Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 SFC
BA9023Z - Praying the Psalms: Theology, Poetry, and Liturgy Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 SFC
BN9002Z - Stories of the Early Christians: The Synoptic Gospels and Acts Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 SFC
BN9031Z - Loving God: The Theological Imagination of John’s Writing Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 SFC
BN9032Z - New Testament Letters: The Voices of the Early Christians Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 SFC
BS9013Z - Crying for Justice: Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 SFC
CH9001Z - Fatally Flawed and Flourishing: Uncovering the Roots of the European ‘Reformations’ Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SFC
CH9002Z - The World Made New: European Reformations and the Re-Construction of Identity Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SFC
CH9031Z - The Church in the Age of Revolutions: Confronting Modernity Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SFC
CT9001Z - Becoming Flesh: The Incarnation of God Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SFC
CT9002Z - Mystical Theology: The Ecstasy of God Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SFC
CT9032Z - Theology in Context: A Case Study Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SFC
DA9001Z - Growing Faith: Forming Christians in Multiple Contexts Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DA9002Z - Bearing Witness: Second Year Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DA9013Z - God in Contemporary Culture: Theology and The Arts Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 SFC
DL9031Z - From Birth to Death: Life, Loss, and Liturgy Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 SFC
DL9032Z - Being Anglican: History and Practice Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 SFC
DP8006Z - Pastoral Care - Theological Reflection and Praxis Postgraduate Elective DP 24.0 SFC
XD9001Z - Leadership Formation Capstone Postgraduate Capstone XD 24.0 SFC