Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AL9102C - Hebrew B Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9202C - New Testament Greek B Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9301C - Introductory Ecclesiastical Latin A Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9302C - Introductory Ecclesiastical Latin B Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9502C - Hebrew Reading A Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9503C - Hebrew Reading B Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9504C - Greek Reading: Narratives Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AL9505C - Greek Reading: Epistles Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 CTC
AP9002C - Philosophy of the Human Person and Society Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9100C - Know Thyself: An Introduction to Greek Philosophy Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9120C - Medieval Philosophy Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9121C - Medieval Philosophy Elaborating Faith: Thomistic Metaphysics and Ethics Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9122C - "Good Teacher, What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?" - Medieval Theories of Beatitude Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9123C - “In the Image of God he Created Them”: Medieval Theories of Human Transcendence, Cognition, Emotions and Value Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9140C - Early Modern Philosophy Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9141C - "The Whole is a Riddle, an Enigma, and Inexplicable Mystery": David Hume's Philosophy of Religion Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9160C - Twentieth-Century Philosophy: Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Hermeneutics Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9162C - Christianity in a Post-Christian Culture Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9163C - Resilient Transcendence: Modern Philosophical Disputes on Human Nature Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9210C - Philosophy of God Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9220C - The Big Questions: Metaphysics Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9223C - Metaphysics and Epistemology Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
AP9230C - Epistemology: Theories of Knowledge, Language, Interpretation, and Science Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 CTC
BA9100C - The Pentateuch Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9300C - The Prophetic Literature Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9310C - The Prophecy of Jeremiah Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9321C - Ezekiel: Priest, Prophet, Visionary Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9330C - Book of Isaiah Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9400C - The Psalms and Wisdom Literature Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9502C - Hebrew Reading A Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BA9503C - Hebrew Reading B Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 CTC
BN9120C - The Gospel of Matthew: Challenge and Mission Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9160C - The Lukan Narrative Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9180C - The Gospel of John Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9200C - Letters of Paul Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9210C - The Letter to the Romans Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9251C - Hebrews, Revelation and the Jewish Scriptures Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9504C - Greek Reading: Narratives Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
BN9505C - Greek Reading: Epistles Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 CTC
CH9015C - The World of the Church Fathers: History, Theology, Spirituality Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9100Z - The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9101C - Byzantium Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9141C - The Reformation in the British Isles Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9162C - The Papacy in the Modern World 1565-1958 Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9163C - Newman and the Nineteenth Century Church Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9182C - The Papacy, the Councils, and Reform: Constance, Basel, and Florence Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9183C - Ecumenical, Universal and General: The History and Impact of Church Councils Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9184C - Vatican II: A Pastoral Council for a Synodal Church Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9202C - Two Centuries of Catholic Experience in Australia Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 CTC
CH9853C - The Practice of History Postgraduate Elective CH 48.0 CTC